Journey Through Loss

Journey Through Loss offers, free of charge, a local bereavement support group which is open to all. Meetings are held every Thursday from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. If you wish to attend or would like more information, please call 519-782-5515 or

This weekly meeting is a professionally facilitated gathering for adults who have experienced the loss of a loved one and desire a chance to meet with others who share similar issues and concerns.

There is no ongoing commitment required; the format is semi-structured, such as discussion of a particular topic or theme, a video or a presentation, with time allotted for interaction and networking.

Emphasis is on “community building” through storytelling and mutual support. The purpose is to provide a place to allow bereaved individuals to “let down” and be themselves in the midst of their own grieving process. There are no expectations from others or constraints placed upon persons as to how their grief process “should” be experienced.

Journey Through Loss Facilitators

The Journey Through Loss Group is co-facilitated by a group of experienced grief counselors who have each had both personal and professional experiences with the grieving process. Each facilitator is committed to providing outreach and care to individuals experiencing pain as a result of loss.

Linda Cottell, Certified in Grief and Bereavement Studies. Linda is the Ontario Regional Manager for the Look Good Feel Better Program which is for women living with cancer. Her duties include the recruiting, training and management of volunteers, grief training for the Team Leaders, and community education. Linda continues her studies in the field of Thanatology at King’s University College.

Sallie Hammond, B.A., R.N., Certified in Grief and Bereavement Studies. Sallie worked at St. Joseph’s Health Care, London on the High Risk Ante-Natal Unit for several years. She is also a midwife. After changing her career in obstetrics, Sallie worked on psychiatry at South Street until she retired from nursing. She graduated in Religious Studies in 2004 and obtained her Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Studies in 2006.

Brad Hunter, B.A., CHt. Bereavement educator, Grief and Trauma Counselor. Brad is a meditation facilitator and clinical hypnotherapist. He specializes in trauma and grief work chaplaincy while leading ‘conscious living/conscious dying’ retreats and workshops.

Paul Liebau, B.A., M.A., M.Div. Paul was a United Church minister before changing careers to focus on counselling and support work for individuals in transition. He taught for many years in the Human Services Program at Fanshawe College, offering a group interaction course as part of his teaching responsibilities. Paul brings over thirty years experience of group and individual counselling work to the group setting. In addition, he also has a private counselling practice.

Daniel Lockwood, B.A., Major in Thanatology, Grief and Bereavement Studies. Daniel is the Director of Programming and Operations for Wellspring London and Region Cancer Support Centre specializing in the development of programs and services focusing on coping skills and emotional supports for those affected by cancer. In addition, he has worked extensively with individuals and families dealing with issues of loss and bereavement due to cancer.

Leslie Misurak, B.A., Certified Palliative Care & Thanatology. Leslie has a private practice with specialization in grief and loss issues. She teaches the Grief Support Group and Communicating with the Dying and Bereaved classes in the Grief and Bereavement Studies Program at King’s University College. Leslie has years of experience facilitating patient, caregiver and bereavement support groups at Wellspring Cancer Support Centre in London.